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Summary of Seminar: The Dos and Don’ts of College Planning

On August 31, over 80 attendees came to KEY to learn more about the dos and don’ts of college planning.

The primary focus of the seminar was to advise students on how to research the right colleges for them, how to select a major, how to understand competitive universities are looking for in an applicant, what to do to stand out, and how not to fall for the pervasive myths about the US admission process. With KEY’s two seminar presenters sharing their insider information, students and families were able to get a more transparent look into the competitive college admissions process. 

KEY was fortunate to have Dr. Whitney Laughlin, a former Harvard undergraduate admission staff member and interviewer cover these topics with her first-hand knowledge.  Both Bryan Ide, KEY’s education director, and she stressed the importance of researching schools thoroughly in order to find the right fit, and not just apply to schools with strong brand recognition.  As well, they covered the necessity to be genuine and honest about achievements and accomplishments.

Dr. Laughlin and Bryan were able to put the audience at ease by encouraging people to participate throughout the seminar and during question/answer period. 

Furthermore, they were able to bust a lot of the misinformation and misconceptions about the admissions process, including:

The role of the SAT and ACT

  • APs
  • Being a well-rounded student
  • Volunteering
  • Summer programs

Since the seminar, we’ve already received positive feedback from families; they were pleased with the in-depth knowledge and information they received with some already having booked consultations with our team.  

As always, one of the goals of our seminars is showcase KEY as the trusted source of information for college admissions. That is why we feature truly qualified and experienced admissions experts who are able to provide our audiences with the right information and to dispel the misinformation that is so pervasive out there. We believe that students and families deserve to have accurate and honest information as they make one of the most important decisions in their lives.

To learn more about KEY and how we can help you, please contact us at +1 604-638-5398 or

In case you missed the seminar, you can watch it here:IFrame